sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2022

Methods of teaching English.

 Methods of teaching English.

Audiolingual METHOD

Foreign language learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation. Good habits are formed by giving correct responses rather than by making mistakes. By memorizing dialogues and performing pattern drills the chances of producing mistakes are minimized. Language is verbal behavior – that is, the automatic production and comprehension of utterances – and can be learned by inducing the students to do likewise.

The characteristics of this method are:

The formation of habits through repetition.

Great importance is given to the development of oral expression and comprehension rather than writing.

The mother tongue is not used, it is always spoken in the language that is intended to be taught.

Grammar is taught indirectly, with students learning it by listening.

Use positive reinforcement for the formation of good habits.

Types of learning and teaching activities

Repetition. The student repeats an utterance aloud as soon as he has heard it. He does this without looking at a printed text. The utterance must be brief enough to be retained by the ear. Sound is as important as form and order.

Example This is the seventh month. –This is the seventh month

This method seems quite effective to me for the real world where students are expected to improve their oral and conversation skills. Only when the student comes into direct contact with the language they want to learn is their learning achieved. This method is quite practical.


Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001) The Audiolingual Method. In Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Teaching Library, pp. 50-70). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi-org.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/10.1017/CBO9780511667305.006



This method is one of the most used by the teacher during the entire observation practice and it is one of the methods that continues to be used more frequently today. But, this method is not very effective for learning English at this time when more interaction with speaking is required. 

Highlights of the observation practice.

 That was my observation practice.

One of the most important things in the development of my practice is the direct contact that was achieved with the student population. Este contacto directo hizo que amor por la profesión docente en el área de inglés aumentara de forma significativa.

In the same way, it was important to closely follow the forms and strategies that teachers with more experience use in their classrooms and from which much can be learned. But, one of the things that makes me most happy about the practice was being able to help the kids who feel motivated by the new learning obtained from the guides and activities that are brought to the classroom.

Another significant aspect is being able to participate in the sessions with the teacher, apply the material, explain a class topic and closely observe the students, it also favored the development of the course that was being viewed and the most used methods are identified today. 

Finally, the practice allowed us to improve and see those negative gaps that prevent English from being taught correctly. I can say that I feel satisfied with the process, unfortunately the time is not enough as I would have wanted to be able to have more action within the institution.

Conclusions on the experience in observation practice.

  • ·        Pedagogical practice is a space for strengthening teaching and linguistic skills as future professionals in teaching English.
  • ·        The grammar and audiolinguistic translation methods are methods that significantly favor student learning.
  • ·        The didactic activities that are developed in the English classes must always develop the 4 language skills. It is important to put aside the idea that grammar is the most important for the development of a second language.

Schedule of the "Work Plan".

  "Work Plan"

Attached below is my organized work plan,

 which was developed during the observation

 phase at the Agricultural Technical Institute



Productos esperados

Observación a clase “vocabulario y presente simple” grado 8º. 8:50 a 10:30 a.m

14 de septiembre del 2022

Realizar oraciones en el tablero en las tres formas del tiempo presente simple: positiva, negativa y pregunta haciendo uso de los auxiliares.

Observación participante a clase “vocabulario de clase y los verbos en el presente simple” grado 7º. 7:00 a 8:50 a.m

14 de septiembre del 2022

Seguir instrucciones en ingles sobre el vocabulario de clase e identificar en las oraciones la forma correcta del verbo en presente simple.

Observación a clase “phrasal verbs” grado 10º. 2:00 a 4:00 p.m

14 de septiembre del 2022

Presentación de un dialogo y videos para explicar el tema.

Observación participante a clase “presente simple” grado 10º. 11:00 a 01:00 p.m

14 de septiembre del 2022

Construir oraciones en las tres formas del presente simple en el tablero.

Creación de material sobre verbos regulares e irregulares. Grado 7º de 8:00 a 10:00 a.m

23 de septiembre del 2022

Taller sobre los verbos que incluye audios para que escuchen e identifiquen sus pronunciación, link y ficha sobre crucigrama con verbos.

Observación diario de campo 1 “mecanización de verbos en el presente simple” grado 7º. 7:00 a 8:50 a.m

26 de septiembre del 2022

Tarjetas con los verbos en presente y en inglés.

 Ayuda y colaboración con el docente para calificar trabajos y evaluaciones. 8:00 a 10:00 a.m

28 de septiembre del 2022

Cooperar con el docente calificando tareas y trabajos.

Creación de material sobre el presente simple. Grado 8º de 8:00 a 10:00 a.m

03 de octubre del 2022

Diapositivas y taller sobre el uso de presente simple en oraciones afirmativas, negativas y preguntas.

Observación diario de campo 2 “presente simple” grado 8º. 8:50 a 10:30 a.m

17 de octubre del 2022

Taller sobre el presente simple.

Observación a clase “ mecanización de tiempo presente, pasado y futuro” grado 8º. 8:50 a 10:30 a.m

19 de octubre 2022

Completar Tablas comparativas con oraciones en los tres tiempos.

Observación participante a clase “tiempo futuro con will y going to” grado 7º. 7:00 a 8:50 a.m

19 de octubre 2022

Construir oraciones en tiempo futuro por grupos usando un verbo común.

Observación a clase “vocabulario sobre la especialidad en agroindustria y violencia” grado 11º. 11:00 a 01:00 p.m

19 de octubre 2022

Identificar en lecturas y textos vocabulario sobre la salud, agroindustria y violencia.

Observación Diario de campo 3 a clase “vocabulario de la salud” grado 11º. 2:00 a 4:00 p.m

19 de octubre 2022

Traducir una lista de vocabulario relacionado con la salud haciendo uso del diccionario.

Planeación de actividad con docente para clase sobre el futuro con will y going to, grado 7º. 2:00 a 4:00 p.m

14 de octubre 2022

Encuentro virtual con el docente acompañante para ayudar en la planeación de las clases.

Ayudantías a estudiantes de 7º y 8º sobre presente simple, pasado y futuro. 7:00 a 8:50 a.m

24 de octubre 2022

Asesorías y explicaciones a estudiantes que el docente acompañante asigne.

Observación a clase “ mecanización de tiempo presente simple” grado 11º. 11:00 a 01:00 p.m

26 de octubre 2022

Prueba escrita sobre los conocimientos obtenidos del presente simple.

Asistencia y participación al ESAPEC Phase 4. UNAD. 6:00 A 10:00 P.M

22 de noviembre del  2022

Compartir de experiencias sobre la práctica pedagógica y revisión de carpetas.

6 horas de organización de formatos y ajuste al E-portfolio.

25 noviembre del 2022

Tener las carpetas completas y organizadas.

6 horas de aplicación de simulador.

4 de noviembre del 2022

Realizar una reflexión en el proceso de toma de decisiones para la enseñanza del idioma inglés y

proceso de aprendizaje ante una situación simulada.







The description of the observed population.

 How are the students of the Agricultural Technical Institute?

I am assigned to 20 seventh graders, 12 eighth graders, 20 tenth graders, and 27 eleventh graders. They are students ranging from 12 to 19 years old. Youth converge children and youth belonging to strata 1 and 2, from rural areas from the primary and post-primary schools that are part of the institution of villages and corregimientos such as Las Mercedes, San Antonio, El Líbano, La Laguna, Piedecuesta, Guamal, La Vega, Culebrita, from the urban area and in some cases from other regions. There are no students belonging to ethnic minorities or presenting an SEN. It is a vulnerable population with dysfunctional families, in most cases. 

The students belong to low-income families and, in most cases, dysfunctional and single-parent families in which only one parent is in charge of school duties, others in turn are left in the hands of caregivers.

They are receptive students who want to learn, listen carefully, this course caught my attention because they are very polite, quiet, and greatly respect the presence and figure of the teacher as an authority. In addition, they show good academic performance. 

The synthesis of the "Field Diaries" through a paragraph in which identify the generalities observed in the institution.

 "Field Diaries"

During the development of my observation practice at the INSTITIUTO TECNICO AGRICOLA institution in the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh grades, I was able to analyze different situations that make up the daily life of a teacher and that are very relevant to my training. It was possible to observe that the teacher has good affinity and communication with the students, but at the same time little group control is observed, which many of them take advantage of to do indiscipline. The teacher maintains a cordial and friendly relationship with them.

Students in general are receptive, but they lack greater motivation to study. They are very dynamic groups that allow work and welcome the new people who come to their classroom in a good way. All the boys want to participate, they all raise their hand to give the answer, which shows that the boys feel comfortable with the teacher's way of teaching. Above all, it is seen that the activities and the work guides attract them, allow them to be attentive and prevent them from making a mess. It gives me great joy to see that the material designed was practical and I was able to develop with the students in such a positive way.

For the development of the sessions, the teacher allowed the application of the work material guide that he had designed, which included technological means for the development of links, crossword puzzles, word searches, audios, images, texts, and active participation of each one of them. the students.

Something very particular about the use of the material is that it could be used physically and digitally. In this case, it was used more physically because the technological devices did not exist and there was a lack of connectivity. But the audios were projected and the activities were printed.

I consider that they were very good class sessions, with aspects to improve as everything, but the silver objective was achieved and it was to work with the students on the oral and listening part of the verbs and the other topics in English. The use of the activities was very fruitful, in addition the four skills were developed, something that is very important. I feel that the classroom environment and resources should be improved to develop more dynamic and digital classes. The space is quite wide, but with little adaptation.

It is observed that the teacher uses the translation method a lot, a method where the grammar translation, the sentence and the mother tongue of the student are fundamental. Another widely used method and emphasizes that the teacher is very repetitive in oral skills is the direct method. This method was introduced in France and Germany at the beginning of the 20th century and widely known in the United States thanks to L. Sauveur and M. Berlitz, who applied it in their schools. As stated by the authors Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001) this method gives more importance to the oral than to the written. In my opinion, I believe that the four skills are important and should be developed equally without giving more importance to some and not to others.

After carrying out the observation, it is believed that the institution can improve the thematic and curricular organization of the thematic contents that are going to be worked on so that the classroom teacher can organize written and didactic material that allows the child to acquire all the skills and not improvise in your classes since it is observed that the teacher does not bring prepared material or guides. Since he has a good command of the subject, he uses a lot of speaking skills and the board for students to do their activities. For this reason, when developing the guide that they had prepared, they were busier, more dynamic, and they saw new things through the guide, which involved the development of various skills, since they kept in mind that all skills must be developed equally.

In addition, it is seen that time is not used correctly and this is because the teacher improvises a lot in his classes, he does not have an elaborate plan of what he is going to do on the school day.

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2022

Link to your official drive folder

 Characterization of my educational practice scenario.


Name of the school or  scenery

Institución Educativa Instituto Técnico Agrícola


The approach applied

(Humanism, constructivism,


 (First grade, second grade…)

In the institution, with the students of the Basic Secondary and Middle Technical levels, the SOCIAL COGNITIVE Pedagogical Model will be developed WITH A CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH emphasizing education as a trainer of new men for a society to be built.


School location. (Urban or rural)

The Agricultural Technical Institute is located on the MESETA farm in a rural area approximately 1 km from the urban area in the municipality of Convención, northwest of the department of Norte de Santander.


Type of school. (Public or rural)



School level. (Elementary or high school)

The institution offers basic primary, basic secondary, and vocational education under the new, traditional, and post-primary school model.


Economic stratification of the  students

Children and young people belonging to strata 1 and 2, from rural areas, come from primary and post-primary schools that are part of the institution of villages and districts such as Las Mercedes, San Antonio, El Libano, La Laguna, Piedecuesta, Guamal, La Vega, Culebrita, from the urban area and in some cases from other regions. It is a vulnerable population with dysfunctional families, in most cases over-aged and with low economic resources, children of peasants who are dedicated to agricultural crops in order to survive.


The school year of the course

I am assigned seventh, eighth, tenth, and eleventh grade students.


Name, email, and phone or skype user of your assigned teacher in the school.

Licenciado Uriel Osnaider Garzón Portillo

Email: urielosgapo@gmail.com

Phone: 3219370964

Observational practice Methodology in Foreign Language Teaching


Learning a new language is not easy, let alone teaching it. therefore, tools and strategies are required to achieve it. During the methodologies course in teaching English, several forms or methods were learned that are useful when teaching and that are very important to analyze.

In this blog all the results obtained during the pedagogical practice are outlined and, above all, some methods that are valuable to take into account are detailed.


Recognize the factors that influence the choice of approaches and methodologies in foreign language teaching through participant observation.


- Link to your official drive folder

- The synthesis of the "Field Diaries" through a paragraph in which

identify the generalities observed in the institution.

- The description of the observed population.

- Schedule of the "Work Plan".

-Photo gallery

- Highlights of the observation practice.

-Conclusions on the experience in observation practice.

-Methods of teaching English.

Methods of teaching English.

  Methods of teaching English. Audiolingual METHOD Foreign language learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation. Good habi...