How are the students of the Agricultural Technical Institute?
I am assigned to 20 seventh graders, 12 eighth graders, 20 tenth graders, and 27 eleventh graders. They are students ranging from 12 to 19 years old. Youth converge children and youth belonging to strata 1 and 2, from rural areas from the primary and post-primary schools that are part of the institution of villages and corregimientos such as Las Mercedes, San Antonio, El Líbano, La Laguna, Piedecuesta, Guamal, La Vega, Culebrita, from the urban area and in some cases from other regions. There are no students belonging to ethnic minorities or presenting an SEN. It is a vulnerable population with dysfunctional families, in most cases.
The students belong to low-income
families and, in most cases, dysfunctional and single-parent families in which
only one parent is in charge of school duties, others in turn are left in the
hands of caregivers.
are receptive students who want to learn, listen carefully, this course caught
my attention because they are very polite, quiet, and greatly respect the
presence and figure of the teacher as an authority. In addition, they show good
academic performance.
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